WebOPSS Context-Sensitive Help Version 3.1 June 12, 2012


Click the link for more information on FAA.


To Add an Airport:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports  table appears:

Figure 7.29: FAA—Airports Table

  1. Click Add.  The FAA—Airports table will change and text boxes will appear:

Figure 7.30: Add Airports 

  1. Enter the desired text in the appropriate fields. 
  2. NOTE: The State/Province drop-down menu will be grayed out (inaccessible) until a Country is selected.

  1. Click Save.  The airport appears on the FAA—Airports table.

To Edit an Airport:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the Edit hyperlink for the desired airport.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click Update.  The FAA—Airports table updates to reflect the changes.

To Delete an Airport:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the Delete hyperlink for the desired airport.  A confirmation box appears.
  3. Click Yes.  The deleted airport location is removed from the FAA—Airports table.

To Add Airport Runway Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airport Location.  The FAA—Airport Location table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Airport Runway Data table appears:

Figure 7.31: Airport Runway Data

    NOTEThe Add button will be disabled until an airport is selected from the FAA—Airports table above.  Users must double-click the desired airport location row to select it.

  1. Double-click the row of the desired airport.
  2. Below the Manage Airport Runway Data table, click Add.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table will change and text boxes will appear:

Figure 7.32: Add Airport Runway Data

  1. Enter the desired text in the appropriate fields. 
  2. Click Save.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table updates to reflect the addition.

To Edit Airport Runway Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table appears.
  3. Double-click the row of the desired airport.
  4. Click on the Edit hyperlink for the desired airport runway data.
  5. Make the desired changes.
  6. Click Update.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table updates to reflect the changes.

To Delete Airport Runway Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table appears.
  3. Click on the Delete hyperlink for the desired airport runway data.  A confirmation box appears.
  4. Click Yes.  The deleted airport runway data is removed from the Manage Airport Runway Data table.

To Add Approach Minima Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table appears.
  3. NOTEThe Add button will be disabled until a runway is selected from the Manage Airport Runway Data table above.  Users must double-click the desired airport runway row to select it.

  1. Double-click the row of the desired airport runway.
  2. Click on the “Manage Approach Minima Data: Please select a runway” header.  The Approach Minima Data table appears:

Figure 7.33: Approach Minima Data

    NOTEThe Add button will be disabled until a runway is selected from the Manage Airport Runway Data table above.  Users must double-click the row of the desired runway to select it.

  1. Double-click the row of the desired airport runway.
  2. Below the Manage Approach Minima Data table, click Add.  The Approach Minima Data table will change and text boxes will appear:

Figure 7.34: Add Approach Minima Data

  1. Enter the desired text in the appropriate fields. 
  2. Click Save.  The Manage Approach Minima Data table updates to reflect the addition.

To Edit Approach Minima Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table appears.
  3. Double-click the row of the desired airport.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table is populated with entries.
  4. Double-click the row of the desired airport runway.
  5. Click on the Edit hyperlink for the desired approach minima data.
  6. Make the desired changes.
  7. Click Update.  The Manage Approach Minima Data table updates to reflect the changes.

To Delete Approach Minima Data:

  1. In the left navigation area, under Headquarters  >  FAA, click Airports.  The FAA—Airports table appears.
  2. Click on the “Manage Airport Runway Data: Please select an airport” header.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table appears.
  3. Double-click the row of the desired airport.  The Manage Airport Runway Data table is populated with entries.
  4. Double-click the row of the desired airport runway.
  5. Click on the Delete hyperlink for the desired approach minima data.  A confirmation box appears.
  6. Click Yes.  The deleted approach minima data is removed from the Manage Approach Minima Data table.



  Federal Aviation Administration  